Featured On Trying To Be Seen On Living Through Illness On Authority On Sisyphus, Motherhood, and Creativity On The Relationship Between Discipline and Creative Spiritual Growth On Listening to the Deepest Self On Pain, Suffering, and the Creative Path On Crafting Through Subtraction Not Multiplication On The Bravery of Taking a Pause On Navigating The Middle Passage On Creating With The Shadow On Fame and Wholeness On Taking a Big Swing Finding Yourself Is Hard work Wisdom is slow The Manic Mind Doesn’t Love Peace Embracing the Woo-Woo Waving to my deepest self Cultivating Creative Resilience The Art of Less The Art of The Pause A Conversation with (Insert your word here) A Conversation With My Back Creating Alongside the Shadow Self Reflections on Creative Fulfillment: Navigating the Urge for Fame Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you're supposed to be? Taking a Big Swing Tell me what I should do! Dear Creative Friend,